
An article entitled “Survey reveals generation gap in attitudes about security and privacy,” stated “Security and privacy are important concerns for anyone, especially in the wake of revelations
about NSA intelligence activities and massive data breaches like the one at Target. A new study
from Fortinet, however, indicates that security and privacy behavior differ significantly by generation (Bradley).” This is troubling, because as newer generations are becoming more and more dependent on new media platforms like social media, security and privacy becomes much more vulnerable, thus more serious. Social media has become our life, our way of communicating, and sharing. The benefit of this is we can be connected to many people around the world. The concerning aspect, however, is that we are connected to so much and our lives are no longer “private.” Today we handle many things over new media platforms, discussions, business, we even can have doctor visits through new media platforms such as Teladoc. However, the more we do on new media, social media, the more we must secure, and these platforms must secure. For example, amid our current Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of businesses, organizations, schools, and individuals started to utilize the video conferencing platform Zoom. However, this rise of usage also prompted a huge security breach in which hackers were able to secretly join conference meetings. New media is a hot spot of sensitive user information, such has bank account information, addresses, places of employment, family, and much more. Because of this, platforms are always under scrutiny and pressure to develop and have the most up to date security measures to assure their users are safe. However, we to play a part in making sure whatever we share on new media platforms are safe and not personal in which it can cause complications for us in the future.

Bradley, T. (2014). Survey reveals generation gap in attitudes about security and privacy. JAVAWORLD.


  1. It's crazy how talented and dangerous hackers have grown as the internet and its platforms have evolved. It makes it so difficult to have the most-up-to-date security.


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