Blog v Wiki

                 Blogs are all about sharing news. in a world where news and developments are constantly being manifested, blogs are a easy way for sharing news, in fact anyone with ideas may use a blog. However, not only are blogs a means of sharing an idea, blogs may also start discussions. Through use of comments within the blogs, news can suddenly become an open discussion from other bloggers. Because of the communication that blogs offer, a natural convergence is created amongst bloggers, all sharing the same interests. such convergence creates a community of bloggers, which allows a group of people with the same interests, or not, to control media. this is so important, being that in today's networking world, a lot of people lose the aspect of discussion, sadly in today's networking world, society has become more individual, vain, and introverted. However, blogs create a natural convergence that bring people together to discuss matters within media or the world, such as politics or developments around the community. and the most attractive aspect of blogs is the access, anyone can blog. Consider this statement from this research article entitled, "How can we measure the influence of the blogosphere?" :

"Unlike newspapers or television news, blogging is not
capital-intensive; there is no centralized registry, no
editorial oversight. All a writer needs is access to a
computer (free at public libraries)."                                                                                   (E.Gill)

                 A Wiki can be described as an open source project to the extreme (Information Week). A wiki is a source of online collaboration in which information on a particular subject can be edited and saved by numerous editors. Consider what this article entitled "How To Use Wikis For Business" describes the practice of wikis:

"Wikis are designed to facilitate the exchange of information within and between teams. Content in a
wiki can be updated without any real lag, without any real administrative effort, and without the
need for distribution — users/contributors (with wikis, they're one and the same) simply visit and
update a common Web site."                                                                                   (Information week) 

Wiki's are used in many ways, however a new way Wikis can be used is an open canvas for artist and musicians. Wikis can allow anyone in that realm of interest to collaborate in real time on art, writing , and other forms of expressions.

Gill, K. E. (n.d.). How can we measure the influence of the blogosphere? seattle : Department of Communication.
Information Week . (2005, august 4). Retrieved from


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