What is file sharing?

          File sharing is the practice of, or ability to transfer files from one computer to another over a network or the Internet. When a file is being shared across a network or internet the file is sent directly to the other person. This is called peer-to-peer, stylized as P2P, file sharing, and works by linking directly with the other person's electrical device.

What is P2P File sharing?

          P2P file sharing allows individuals to access media files using software program that searches and locates computers that have the file that is wanted. P2P file sharing allows users to share files online through a network of software program (Margomin, 2016). Using this practice many users may be able to send content such as music, books, movies, videos, photos, and other media like content. Now if done correctly and within guidelines, this practice is legal. However, if one is sharing copyrighted content with other people, this is considered illegal, because it is not original content, and this needs permission to be shared. Many contents like music, movies, and books are copyrighted, so they should not be shared.

What are some examples of P2P file sharing?

         Some example of P2P is Gnutella, which allows connecting to a network and sending out a request for a file the individual wants to download from another peer. Gnutella is the most well-known P2P (Margomin, 2016). However there are also sites like BitTorrent and uTorrent, FrostWire, and LimeWire, which I have personally used for musical content.


Margomin. (2016, April 13). P2p file sharing. Retrieved from margomin wordpress: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxiYXJ1Y2huZXdtZWRpYXxneDo3ZWUzMGM0MjczOGJlYTc


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