Blog Social networking

In 2020 the world seems much smaller than it did a decade ago. Spending a plane ticket or getting charged for international calls just to contact your distant relative suddenly seems utterly preposterous now. Social networking has single-handedly shrunk our world. Because of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snap chat, the rest of the world is all in our backyard. These platforms, social networking, not only connects people to each other, but to worldwide news, ideas, and movements. Starting with the connection of people, there were times where distance mattered. Prior to the emergence of social networking, location was a huge bottle-neck to communication. Because of social networking, location seems to be more of a concept than an actual measurable factor. Even reaching great multitudes of people has become a great use for social media. Consider two examples, first how social networking boosts job recruiting. In an article written by Frank Langfitt, Langfitt addresses the practice of using social networking to attract and reach a wider audience of job candidates. Quoting a recruiter, he writes, “social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting – ever (Langfitt, 2006).” One of the networks mentioned within the article is Linkedin, a network of 8 million professionals spread across the world. Linkedin is used by executives from all the Fortune 500 companies. Typing keywords into a search engine, recruiters can filter the entire network to dig out high-quality candidates that may not be found elsewhere. This is a prime example of the benefits of social networking, being able to connect with people that may seem impossible to connect with in real life. Social networking can also connect ideas, as evident in the presidential election of 2008. By bolting together social networking applications under the banner of a movement, in 2008 the Obama administration created an unforeseen force to raise money, organize locally, fight smear campaigns and get out the vote that helped them topple the Clinton, then John McCain and the Republicans (Carr, 2008). From connecting people to ideas, social networking has emergence as the standard way to connect, raise awareness, and to learn.
            However, nothing is perfect. Social networking also has its dark aspects. For example, when was social not attached to real life? To be sociable involved contact, real life contact. Sadly, social networking has partially eradicated the need for real life interactions. This can have an adverse effect for future generations. Although social networking got you the interview, how well will you perform on this interview? Real-life social interactions can never be replaced and will always be a huge asset to the development of a person, even in a business context. Personally, I have no social networking platforms that I use seriously. This was a decision I made in high school to help me focus more on life and the real things surrounding me, and to get an early start in the day. Since than I have not looked back. Sure, I do get curious as to what exactly I am missing, but nothing beats having free time and not being consumed by social networking.


Carr, D. (2008, November 9). How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks’ Power. Retrieved from nytimes:

Langfitt, M. (2006, november 22). Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting. Retrieved from NPR:


  1. I love that you limit your use of social networking platforms, and find it very inspiring since most people these days can't go a day without checking Instagram. Social networking definitely has a lot of benefits to its, especially its ability to connect people from various locations, but I do agree with you that it took away real human connection that you can only experience with another individual face to face. Although our lives pretty much surround technology, we still require the ability to socialize in person to make it in this world.

  2. The importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android.

  3. The importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android

  4. The importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android.

  5. The importance of social networking sites in today's world is immense. Indeed, the above mentioned websites are best, however there is also a latest Social Networking site MyworldGo , where you can connect with others. We are also available on iOS and android.

  6. I'm on the fence about this, while more customization is good, I have a feeling this is a "in-progress" update, it just feels incomplete and half-way there.
    We use badge layout for apps on design approvals (visual projects), so the image being displayed is important. Old layout "feels like" it had larger images,
    maybe because the images were cropped more loosely so it's easier to tell which project it was at quick glance. Now the image is cropped closer, making it
    harder to scan thru at quick glance. I find myself needing to click into the project more often than usual. Which makes the whole user experience less
    I have a couple suggestions that might make it work better:
    1. Increase the height of the window the cover image is being displayed.
    2. Let us to choose which image to be displayed as "cover" (like how Pinterest handles cover images of each board, was hoping for this for a long time)
    3. Let us adjust which part of the image to show and how tight or loose the crop is (with a fixed window, let us move the image around and maybe enlarge or
    shrink it to control what shows thru the window. Pinterest does a limited form of this, which is very useful in making the cover image relevant)
    4. Allow Cover Image to be ordered in different hierarchy (currently every element can be ordered differently except the Cover Image, it seems to be stuck
    in the 2nd spot, would like the option to set it on another spot in the layout. This one seems like an easy fix, since you guys allow that for every other
    element already)


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