Blog: Social networking sites

Facebook: I have always loathed Facebook, and this blog assignment has reminded me of why. What Facebook lack aesthetically, continues to be lacked in configuration. If you are a frequent user of social media platforms you are aware of the feeling you get when a platform decides to update and change its configuration. This may cause confusion and negative emotions initially, however it is later met with understanding and appreciation for the new user configuration. Facebook, however, seems to keep its configuration fairly original, while adding more features. This not only makes Facebook appear cluttered, but outdated. Scrolling through the many features Facebook has (desktop version) I was shock to see just how predated and stale the configuration and layout was. Facebook still uses the same interface and widgets from when I last used it, which happened to be in high school, 5 years ago. Stylistically, Facebook under-performs compared to its other social networking counterparts. I am curious as to why the layout has not changed as much as other social networking sites has from their original layout.   

Twitter: I truly believe twitter is the best social media platform available now. With its simple linear layout, twitter's beauty, or strength, is within its simplicity. Twitter is the perfect medium between verbal blog, world news, personal interests, and marketing. Twitter is also the most interactive social media platform. Because twitter is so concise and simple, public figures have  the luxury of actually engaging with the public,sharing ideas and moments. Because of its structure, Twitter is also the fastest of the other platforms. Usually Twitter reports on popular news quicker than the other sites, mainly because it is designed for quick and speedy information sharing. Although not as dynamic as Facebook, or Instagram, twitter still holds its own and proves to be successful within its own quick speedy and simple niche.   

Instagram: Instagram has seen the most changes of the 4 major social media platforms. the negative of this is that users , such as myself, are constantly on edge and can never truly become comfortable with a certain layout or configuration. However, the positive is that Instagram continues to innovate, always looking to remain exciting and unique. In a way, Instagram is liken to twitter in the linear scroll layout. Just as Twitter is a verbal blog, Instagram is a visual blog. Being the case, Instagram makes sure its layout and configuration is aesthetically pleasing. The photo and video pairing is seamless on Instagram, nothing is overly complicated. However, Instagram never seems like a layout is truly set, everything seems as if it can change at any moment. I am also curious if the platform will chose to changes its layout for its "discovery" page. A page or concept that both Twitter and Snap chat also share.   

Snapchat: Snapchat also has a simple layout for what it offers. I enjoy the discovery page for Snapchat, because its concise and quick, in today's world of entertainment, quicker is better, simper is easily accessible. However, my impression of Snapchat is that it is very one dimensional. Once we pass the main usage of the platform, the rest Snapchat has to offer becomes mundane.   


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